This week was great! :D I
absolutely loved it for many reasons (that doesn't mean that it wasn't hard
though). Well, the summer sun had finally arrived! And it is
getting hotter and hotter by the day. The other day, when we went to Lama
to go look for a menoattiva called "Fia", we got a bit lost and had
to walk in the sun for what seemed like dayayyyyyyys! Lol, we started
seeing mirages, and we both got sunburned a bit. And, I don't know why,
but I think that that morning, however frustrating it was, was one of my
favorite mornings here in Taranto. We had tried so hard to accomplish our
goal, but we just could not find Fia's house. The point was, though, that
we had tried. And I felt really accomplished just having done our best to
do what we had planned. In the end, we found that the address that we had
for Fia was messed up, so that was why we could not find her. One of
those peculiar things that happens on the mission, you know. It was a
great experience all the same.
Annnd, our friend, Brendon, is getting
baptized! Here is his story (have I already told you all? I don't
remember :). So, Brendon is a contact that we found through a young man
that we invited to English course from the bus. We invite this other
young man, Francesco, and he came with Brendo one day. Then, Brendo began
coming by himself, and he wanted to attend the advanced class (the class that
we teach) so he could have "full-immersion" in the language.
And, one day, after we had all read the Book of Mormon together
as a class, he approached me and asked me, "Can I have a copy of that
book?" From that point onward, he became very involved in the
church, came to the Easter activities, and started meeting with the Anziani (we
passed him off to them because we thought it would be a better fit for a 16
year old boy to talk and be friends with other young men). Annnnd now, he
will be baptized within the next couple of weeks! XD And he is
suuuuper excited about his baptism! We are pretty good buddies, so he
comes and tells me things like, "Hey! Sister Cherrington! I am
getting baptized on the 1st of June! My baptism will be so great!"
He really is the best! He reminds me a little bit of Joesph
Gonzales back in California. :)
Otherwise, our work has been a bit sparse
lately, and we have been doing a lot of work with less-actives, with the
members, and finding in general. It has actually been really great
because we are getting to know all the members better and we are building a
support system for the work to go really well in the near future. Maybe
we don't see all of the results now but, in missionary work, there are a lot of
results that one never sees!
Oh! And we are becoming better friends
with a half-active family. They are seriously the coolest! But,
there are some things that we will have to work on with them. The Dad
loves the church, but he does not like a lot of people who come to church, nor
does he go in d'accordo with many of the dirigenti in the church... But
we love him and his family, and we hope to help him see that, even if there are
imperfect people in the church, we can be good examples ourselves and we must
remember that the church itself is perfect, even if the members still have a
lot of work to go towards perfection. Each of us has a ton of work to do.
If we were prefect, we would not have to have the opportunity of this
life to work our hardest to become better people. The word
"perfect" means "complete." I wouldn't say that any
human being is "complete" or perfect when it comes to this business
of Eternal Progression. We all have work to do! :)
And, I just wanted to say thank you to all of
you guys who have sent me letters, e-mails, ecc. It is really encouraging
to feel your guys' love. Especially in hard times, this helps me. I
just got a package from Ms. J the other day, and I was so happy to see her
Italian-translated letter that she had written for me. :) I love her so
much. And, famiglia, thank you for all you do. I really feel like I don't
tell you that enough. I know it is hard to set aside time in your busy
lives to send me e-mails or letters, so I want to tell you all how grateful I
am for you. Ma and Dad and Andy, I am especially grateful for you guys,
and for all the faith, love, and support that you give me. Tell Sisiter
Chisam too that I am so thankful for her letters and notes every now and again.
I love you all, and I can't wait to see you all again someday soon.
Vi voglio taaaaaanto bene,
Sorella Corey Cherrington
A wonderful man sent this picture to me via email and praised the
Sorella for all the hard work that they have to endure every day! |
Jesus Statue in Taranto |
Taranto |
Corey and her companion made this lovely desert |
Another beautiful creation from the Sorella |
Taranto |
I believe this is the young man that got baptized today! |
Taranto |
Jesus in Taranto |
These walls are closing in on me! |
Young man baptized today and Sorella Bradford & Cherrington |