Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Rami di ulivo e di palma Fronde della Domenica delle Palme

Soooo, this week was sooo amaz-a-zing!  I cannot tell you how much I loved this week!  :D  Except I will because I am writing about this week in this e-mail!  :)

Allora, we met with Collins again this week and invited him to be baptized before he goes to Denmark.  He accepted!  XD  He is such a good person and he loves the Gospel!  Literally though, he has such a special spirit about him that one can just see and know that he is a good person.  We love Collins!  And we are excited that he will be a member of this wonderful church in just a few weeks.  
Annnd... yesterday was "Palm Sunday"  and it was pretty cool to see everyone selling or buying these cool things made out or palm fronds and these olive branches.  This one nice sorella from church gave us some olive branches and Marianna put an olive leaf in my scriptures at church!  It is a really interesting way to celebrate the holiday.  And, Martin (I will talk more about him in a minute) told us that, in his country, they call this holiday "the day of the many flowers." Because, when Jesus went to Jerusalem, the people brought many flowers.  

Also, Saturday, we had a nice Picnic with the GANS and the giovanni and our buddies from the Pastano family.  It was pretty much amaz-a-zing, and Sorella Bradford made cookies and I made a lasagna.  It was really fun and we got to know a lot of the members better.  We were a bit disappointed that our simpatizzanti couldn't come, but it was all good lo stesso.  :)  And, right before the picnic, we were able to go to Talsano with Sorella Pastano for an appointment with a menoattiva.  It was a really beautiful morning, but the visit with the menoattiva was a bit sad because she has lost her testimony.  We hope to help her rebuild it, but the most we can do is help.  She has to do the things that she knows are right (read the scriptures, pray, and come to church) as well if she wants to nourish her testimony.  

Hmmmm... And we also had a really good experience with our investigator, Giovanna!  W love her sooo much!  And her son is really cool! They both accepted a new baptismal date together and are totally willing to follow the Savior's example.  But, it is very hard for them to come to church because her son's wheelchair is tough to transport.  All the members we have brought with us have said that they will give her a ride, but it has just been difficult form her and we just have to keep praying and trying our best to help her out.  She is awesome, and we live her and Michele.  I love their dog too!  It is a puppy named Lilly and she loves us!  XD  I love dogs.  :)

What else?  English course has been going really well, and Sorella Bradford and I are managing well the 2 classes that we each have to teach.  I know the Lord is helping us because I used to get so nervous before English course, and not I just feel so comfortable walking in and teaching the class.  A lot of it could be because I know all the students and we have a pretty good relationship with all of our students.  :)  There is one girl who I am really good friends with, Bianca!  She speaks English perfectly, and is really fun!  They are all really great, and we love our students!  :D

I think that is all for this week!  I love you guys, and I hope and pray that your guys' week will go well!


PS- I am going to leave you all with an invite this week to pray for a date when you plan to invite the Missionaries over to talk with a friend.  You may not know who will be the friend at first, but once you pra for an choose a date, miracles will happen!  This is a promise that Elder Ballard gave us in his talk "é un miracolo."  Love you, guys!  :)

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